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BOS minutes 3 22 05
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 22, 2005

Present:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00PM.


A Motion was made by David Colbert to nominate Richard DeBold as the new Chairman of the Selectmen.  Stephen MacCleery seconded the Motion and all were in favor.  The Board swore in Richard DeBold as the new Chairman of the Selectmen.  CONGRATULATIONS RICHARD!



Chief Clarke reported that he spoke to the Sheriff’s Department regarding Lt. Bob Kitson’s application.  It is possible that Lt. Kitson will be starting with the Sheriff’s Department in the beginning of May.  Lt. Kitson still needs to pass the background check and the psychological test.  Chief Clarke reported that one of the part-time officers was interested in the full-time position.

Chief Clarke questioned the Board with respect to Lt. Kitson’s comp time and sick time.  Chief Clarke thought that sick time could not be carried over.  In accordance with the personal policy sick time can be carried over.  As far as Lt. Kitson’s comp time, in the Selectmen’s Minutes of November 9, 2004, Lt. Kitson asked the Board about accumulating comp time.  In those minutes, he stated that he could not take time during the week as there was no coverage.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to allow Lt. Kitson to accumulate comp time.  Currently, Lt. Kitson has 28.4 hours of comp time.  

Chief Clarke questioned the Board about retro-active pay.  He stated that he thought all employees were entitled to retro-active pay as of January 1st .  The Board was shown a memo that stated all pay raises would be effective as of the first pay week of April.


Road Agent, David Kenneally reported that the Town Attorney, Bart Mayer contacted him regarding Bailey Road paving and the agreement that was reached between the Town and Mr. Mullany.  Mr. Kenneally needs an estimate for the paving of Bailey Road.  Mr. Kenneally asked to see the plans for the development.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he had posted the roads, but has not obtained bonds.  The Board asked Mr. Kenneally to get bonds from those who use the posted roads.  Mr. Kenneally was advised that garbage trucks, gas and oil trucks do not need a bond they have a right of way.  Mr. Kenneally requested of the Board what level of bonding would be appropriate.  No decision was made at this time Mr. Kenneally stated that he spoke to Pittsfield about a speed trailer.  He said that a speed trailer does not only record speeds, but, does auto count including the times of day.  The cost is between $8,000 and $15,000.  Mr. Kenneally stated that this speed trailer would be helpful to the police as well as the road department.

Mr. Kenneally shared his ideas about the Road Advisory Committee.  He said that the Road Advisory Committee should meet 2 times a month starting April 1. He said it was important that the committee members know the layout of the roads.  The Board advised Mr. Kenneally that UNH will send engineering students to towns to help the towns with scoring roads, prioritize roads, road inventories and cost estimates.  The Board suggested that Mr. Kenneally speak to other towns that have Road Advisory Committees.  Mr. Kenneally said that he would like to see a seven-member board with 1 or 2 people that have road experience.   Chairman DeBold stated that Tom Jameson would be a good candidate as he works for the DOT.  The Board suggested that the committee come up with a 5-year plan and a 10-year plan.  Chairman DeBold shared a draft he designed for the Road Advisory Committee. Chairman DeBold asked the Board and Mr. Kenneally for some feedback about the draft.


John Martell asked that he be included in all meetings regarding the Marsh Pond Dam.


Chief Mike Paveglio stated that there were some unexpected repairs and maintenance needs.  He said the ambulance needs to be repainted however; there is a lifetime warranty on the paint therefore, the repainting will be free of charge.  In addition, Engine #3 needs a few paint touch-ups.  Chief Paveglio stated some of the firefighters were fixing the “mule” vehicle and getting it ready for brush fires.  He was happy to report that the generator was now working thanks to the hard work of Mike McKay.  He said that the generator is pre-set to run 20 minutes a day.

Chief Paveglio stated he wanted to cancel the firehouse’s service with Eastern Propane  due to poor service issues and use Rymes Oil.  He said the firehouse would incur a cost of digging out Eastern Propane’s tanks.  

Chief Paveglio said the ambulance had a minor accident with a Concord Police Patrol Car.  He said the ambulance backed into the police car at the hospital.  He stated he needs to be advised of all accidents and asked Chief Clarke to investigate all accidents that happen in town.  Chief Clarke stated that he would request another town’s police to investigate any accidents that happened in town that involved a town vehicle.

Chief Paveglio said that he was in touch with the State’s 911 office and they are going to map the town.  They will not be changing any addresses, and will be using GPS technology to map the town.

Chief Paveglio asked to be appointed to the Planning Board.  He said that there are changes to the NFPA codes and he felt it was important that someone with fire/safety experience be part of the review process.  Chairman DeBold stated that Central Regional Planning will be reviewing plans to be sure all information needed is included, but also agreed with Chief Paveglio about him serving on the Planning Board.


Mr. David Paveglio informed the Board that Mr. Robinson has moved his trailer back.  Chairman DeBold will go out to measure the distance to be sure that the trailer has been moved back far enough so as not to obstruct the necessary line-of-sight view.

Mr. Paveglio said that he revoked the building permit for Lane Road.  He did this because the Planning Board had denied the Wescombs’ plan for an addition on the pre-existing house.

Mr. Mullany approached Mr. Paveligo with respect to getting on the list for building permits for next year.  Mr. Paveligo denied Mr. Mullany because he was not sure if a settlement had been reached.

Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Paveglio if there were any building permits left for 2006.  Mr. Paveglio stated that they was plenty of permits left for 2006 and that he still had one for 2005.  Selectmen Colbert stated that the Mackins were granted a variance from the ZBA and would like to be on the list for next year.  The Mackins still need to meet with the Planning Board.


The Fire Department and Police Department had issue with mail being opened.  They asked if all mail could be placed in their mailboxes unopened.  They requested that they get the original invoices and will sign off  the invoices for Erin to pay.  The Selectmen are not in favor of this idea, they do not want the original invoices to leave this office, however, they will agree to allow this on a trial basis.  Patty stated that she would not allow Erin to be blamed for any invoices not being paid on time because of invoices not getting to Erin on time.  Patty will send out a memo to all departments advising them that all original invoices must be in this office and that no invoice will be paid from a copy.

Chairman DeBold met with Jim Gallagher, Chief Engineer and Dale Guinn of the DES, Dam Division at Marsh Pond. Because of the snow, it was hard for them to see the dam.  However, Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Guinn stated they would allow the dam to be repaired, but,  a professional engineer must design the repair and rebuild the dam,  armor the entire dam and have a schedule of future plans.  Chairman DeBold said that he would speak to John Levine and get a cost for engineering the dam.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert